The Rodder’s Journal #85 A cover


The Rodder’s Journal

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Our subscriber cover features Lee Pratt’s newest creation—his long-in-progress, much anticipated 1932 Ford five-window show rod. On the newsstand cover is the baremetal ’34 Ford roadster Mark Skipper has crafted as a tribute to the renowned Wes Collins custom from the 1950s.
While we consider every issue of TRJ special, #85 is especially close to our hearts. The content is as diverse and unique as any previous issue, running the gamut from newly completed traditional hot rods and customs, a restored street/strip legend, an expansive retrospective on some of the most significant Forty Fords ever created, and a healthy dose of history like readers have come to expect from TRJ. Beyond the subject matter, the contributors you’ll see named in by-lines and photo credits include some talented freelancers like Tim Sutton and John Jackson, as well as TRJ alums Greg Sharp and Pat Ganahl—the latter of whom dusted off his keyboard and emerged from retirement to take part in this somewhat historic issue of The Rodder’s Journal.