This is the story of the beginning of what has become America’s #1 dirt sport, when motocross was ”imported” into America, first as the ”Inter-Am” series in 1968-’69, then as the ”Trans-Am” series in 1970. During this era, freelance writer and photographer Robert Schleicher traveled to what would become the most famous tracks in America to cover the new-to-America Motocross races. Usually with only a snow fence separating him from the competitors, Schleicher was able to dramatically capture the intense battles between the best European riders-Torsten Hallman, Roger DeCoster and others-and the brash new Americans like Gary Bailey, Dick Mann, Jim Pomeroy and more. Vintage motocross racing grows in popularity every year, and this rare look into the formative years of the sport will stoke the avid to newbie fan with almost 100 color and over 100 b/w classic racing images. The bikes, the riders, the tracks…. they are all here… like you’ve never seen before.