Traveling With Greyhound


Robert Gabrick

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Greyhound Lines, Inc. is the largest provider of intercity bus transportation, serving more than 3,800 destinations across North America with a modern, environmentally friendly fleet. It has become an American icon, providing safe, enjoyable and affordable travel to nearly 18 million passengers each year in the United States and Canada…and it all started in 1914 with Carl Wickman and some partners who offered a fare of 15 cents one way or 25 cents round-trip between Alice and Hibbing, Minnesota, in a large Hupmobile.

If you are one of the many thousands of bus enthusiasts who enjoyed Going the Greyhound Way or Greyhound Scenicruiser, then you are really going to enjoy this special centennial release of Traveling With Greyhound. Author Bob Gabrick has combed numerous archives to unearth over 200 new illustrations chosen specifically to help tell the remarkable story of Greyhound’s first 100 years.

Congratulations Greyhound! Well done.